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Can Cats Eat Almonds?

Updated: August 11, 2022 by Kristen Chapple

As good caring cat owners, we pretty much share everything with our furry little friends, from our bed to food and occasional treats. One of these snacks or treats, almonds, bring us health benefits, but are they ok for our feline friends as well? Can cats eat almonds?

There seems to be a misconception going on around that if it’s healthy for us, humans, it’s going to be healthy for our little feline friends as well. But that’s not a rule to follow, as cats don’t have the same digestive system we have and what works for us might not always work for them and vice versa.

Can Cats Eat Almonds

While a small amount contained in various other foods won’t hurt your cat, almonds by themselves are not a food to share with your little friend, because they pose several health risks for felines.


Officially, almonds are not toxic to cats, but in some situations and combinations with other foods, they may have some negative effects and cause problems to your kitten. So even if your cat begs for what you’re eating, don’t fall prey to her begging, as she might have troubles later.

Cyanide Poisoning

Consuming almonds poses another threat to our feline friends. Almonds contain something called cyanogenic glycosides, a substance that can cause harm to cats if they consume high amounts of it. If enough of this substance gets into your kitten’s system, she might develop a form of cyanide poisoning.

The symptoms of cyanide poisoning are upset tummy, dilated pupils or hyperventilation. The severe cases can even lead the cat to get into shock and there’s as well the possibility of death. So if you catch you cat in the act of savoring some almonds (including almond milk), contact your vet for the best solution.

Digestive Troubles

Cats are predatory animals and their digestive systems are equipped to deal specifically with that scenario, unlike us humans who are omnivores and can digest almost anything.

Since almonds are not the usual prey of a cat, ingesting them might disturb the feline’s digestive system, because of the fats contained in almonds which cannot be digested by the cat’s stomach. Consuming high levels of these fats can also lead to pancreatitis. Smaller amounts can lead to vomiting and bowel problems.

Salt and Other Condiments

Besides the digestive troubles and cyanide poisoning, there’s another possible issue with almonds. We humans like them with all kinds of condiments and toppings, from salt to chocolate and other crazy combinations.

If cats consume too much salt for example, they can develop another condition, the sodium ion toxicosis, which occurs when there’s not enough water in their system. Not to mention chocolate which is a big no-no to felines.

So, as a conclusion, it’s better to keep almonds away from your little furry friend and find specific cat treats to give him.

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