Updated: August 11, 2022 by Kristen Chapple
Seaweed is quite tasty and extremely healthy for us and they come in a few varieties that are edible. We know that cats wouldn’t probably eat these if they were in the wild, but can cats eat seaweed? Or is it even good for them in any way? Let us find out together!
Nutritional Value
Most human foods that aren’t meat offer only a little nutritional value to a cat or none at all, but seaweed is quite different in this category. Just as it is really healthy for us, it also provides your cat with many health benefits.
The nutrients found in seaweed can be soothing to a cat’s stomach and they act as an antacid, neutralizing the acidity that gives heartburn or indigestion. You might find it described as a “worming herb” in some places and that only means that it is used to prevent the development of worms or to help get rid of them. The coating of a cat which eats seaweed can be improved and it also seems to help with some of their allergies.
You might already consider it a miracle food by now, but we aren’t done yet as there are some other benefits as well! Seaweeds were shown to attack cancer cells and to keep the levels of glucose in the blood at a low level so red, brown as well as green seaweeds are quite a good choice for your cat, each coming with their own contents of vitamins and other nutritional elements. Kelp is a great option, dulse, kombu, wakame and nori are all great options when it comes to the addition of some seaweed to your pet’s menu.
How to Serve Them
With anything that is healthy you shouldn’t necessarily go overboard. Seaweeds are good for your cat but there are many other things they need for a balanced diet which cannot be found in them. You might find some products with seaweeds designed specifically for your cat or if you buy the ones you find in a supermarket you should keep them as a treat of a few leaves only, depending on the weight of your pet.
Most cats seem to adore the taste of seaweed but make sure you don’t serve them something that is too old. As a rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t eat it then don’t give it to your cat either. Make sure the sources you get them from are sustainable because heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fuel oil, other bacteria and many other risks can transform seaweed into something that isn’t so healthy anymore.
Short Answer:
Yes they are really healthy for cats as well but the quantities should be kept appropriate for the pet’s size as they shouldn’t replace their regular diet.