Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?
Tomatoes are delicious for us and we use them as fresh vegetables in salads, put them in many dishes and also use them for sauces as the beloved ketchup. You might have heard that some …
Tomatoes are delicious for us and we use them as fresh vegetables in salads, put them in many dishes and also use them for sauces as the beloved ketchup. You might have heard that some …
There is a common misconception that dairy products and milk are good for cats but things are quite different in reality. That being said, can cats eat yogurt? This form is a bit different compared …
Pistachios, almonds, cashews, and other similar nuts grow on trees but peanuts are actually legumes that grow under the ground. They are the most popular shelled food due to their excellent taste and accessibility so …
Green beans are a good source of proteins and we know that cats require a lot of proteins to have a healthy life. Since there are many different types of beans it is better to …
The most widely consumed meat in the world is chicken since it is delicious and can ensure some of the proteins needed for our body. A carnivore animal such as the cat requires meat as …
One of the best fruit choices during hot summer days, the watermelon is both hydrating and really tasty. So you might ask yourself if your can can also benefit from the vitamins contained in this …
Beef is quite important for our diet and we have so many dishes with this type of meat, from simple burgers to very complex recipes that will make a special occasion more festive. The main …
This is a wonderful meat for us and it is the traditional choice for thanksgiving when we have plenty of turkey, some of which we might want to delight our cat with. Since cats love …
Potatoes seem to be one of the most harmless vegetables you can think of and we love them for their versatility, making many recipes more interesting, as well as for their taste. The fact that …
Vegetables are really healthy for us and even if our cat does usually prefer meat they also need some nutritional elements on the side. Thus we may wonder which vegetables are good for them and …